Saturday, June 13, 2009

Assemblage Workshop

I finally have some time this weekend to catch up on journaling! The Assemblage Workshop with Sian in Colorado was fantastic!! It opened my eyes in many ways and left me feeling unchained and excited to move forward with the module. The sessions began with a wonderful private tutorial with Sian. What a fabulous conversation! I shared my portfolio,(in pieces, as always), and discussed what I hope to gain and change in my work. Preparing the Foundation Module, I had a very hard time opening up and just following the path without knowing where it was leading. I was tripping over decisions and little perfections along the way instead of just trying what was being asked of me. I see now that I have the freedom to play, enjoy and then create my own vision from the spirit of the lessons given. Thanks for that! The workshop covered three basic concepts:

Lace - fragments stitched together
Seam Merging - pieces patched together side by side
Laminating or Collage - pieces layered on top

All three were new methods that I had not tried before that evolved into our own creations. We played with different stabilizers and dye methods and used paper as well as fabric. It was a process through which Sian and all 5 classmates contributed and shared their expertise, knowledge of materials, and resources. Our wonderful host, Rain, shared her fabulous studio spaces and excellent snacks and meals!

I will try to upload some images from the workshop. I left Colorado with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration that has been urging me forward even through the doldrums of work the last couple of weeks. I have done module work at lunch and after the kids have gone to sleep. I am so very glad I took this opportunity and wholeheartedly recommend it to you!!
I should have a photo of Sian Martin at the top showing a laminating example, and next a photo of our wonderful host Rain Klepper. Thanks much to both of you!! I will add another entry with some of my sample pieces later.

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